The initial idea had been to let ladies to learn to swim and build their confidence in the water so that they could move on to public swimming sessions.
Two years on, much more has been achieved. Ladies are now volunteering in the community as well as swimming regularly. Social gatherings are happening and ladies are not afraid to go out and get involved.
At the Energize Awards held at the Greenhous Meadow, Shrewsbury on Thursday 1st November 2012 we were lucky enough to obtained 3 Finalist Certificates thanks to all the hard work put in by the committee and our founder Fiona Smith.
At the Active Lifestyle Awards in May 2012 held at The Place, Oakengates Swimming After Surgery (SAS) obtained 2 runner up awards and Volunteer of the Year went to Fiona for all her hard work in running and organising Swimming After Surgery (SAS)
So 2012 has been a very successful one for Swimming After Surgery (SAS), not only in recognition but also it has expanded to Gatwick and Walsall and sometime in the future it will be going to Cannock Chase.